
Going to the beach is a great way to get some much-needed sunshine, but it’s also important to remember that you need to pack smart if you want your vacation to go smoothly. Here are some things I always make sure I have packed in my beach bag:

A good beach bag.

A good beach bag should be big enough to carry everything you need, waterproof, have a comfortable strap so you can carry it over your shoulder, and have lots of pockets for storing things.


Sunscreen is the most important thing to pack for a trip to the beach. The sun can be very damaging to your skin, so it’s important to protect yourself from its harmful rays. You should use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, and apply it every 2 hours (or more often if you are swimming or sweating).

Before going out into the sun, make sure that you have applied enough sunscreen. If your skin looks pasty white after applying sunscreen (instead of having a healthy glow), then it’s not enough! This can help prevent burns and wrinkles later in life by shielding against UVB rays that cause damage over time.


  • Sunglasses are a must. You don’t want to be squinting into the sun all day, so make sure you pack a pair of sunglasses that will keep your eyes protected from both UV rays and sand.
  • If you’re planning on swimming at some point in your beach vacation, make sure whatever pair of sunglasses you bring can handle getting wet. Some glasses are made with materials that can stand up against water and salt, meaning they’ll last longer than others.
  • Make sure the glasses fit comfortably on your face without slipping off or falling apart too easily if they do fall off (like if someone trips over them). This means trying them out before leaving the house!

A hat.

A hat is a must-have for the beach, especially if you’re going to be spending time in or near the water. A hat can protect your head from sun damage and keep your hair out of your face while playing with kids on the sand, but it can also help keep you warm when temperatures drop and make you look cool while sipping drinks on the beach.

A waterproof camera.

A waterproof camera is a must-have item for any beach vacation. You can use it to take photos of the sunset, your friends in the water, and anything else you want to capture on your trip.

If you want to protect it from water damage, don’t worry too much about it being submerged underwater—but be careful not to drop it or get sand into its ports (like a microphone port). If your camera does get wet, dry it off as soon as possible and avoid dropping it again. The same goes for sand; if you get some in there, try using compressed air or blowing out the dust with a brush (you’ll need one made specifically for electronics).


Flip-flops are the most comfortable shoes to wear in the water. They’re also great for wearing at the beach, pool, and even around town if you want a more casual look for your vacation. You can get them in a variety of colors and patterns, so you can choose ones that match your style and will look good with all your outfits. Smaller sizes are available for children or teens.

Water shoes.

  • Water shoes. Water shoes are a must for the beach, as they’ll protect your feet from sharp rocks and hot sand. They’re also great for walking along the shoreline and exploring tide pools, which can be full of creatures that you don’t want to step on barefoot. If you want to get more active at the beach (or if it’s rainy), water shoes make an excellent option for swimming too!
  • Lightweight mesh poncho or raincoat: If you’re going to be visiting a part of your destination where it rains frequently, bring along a lightweight raincoat or poncho so that you have something dry to wear when it gets wet outside. You never know what kind of time frame we might be in when this happens so having an extra layer is essential!

A lightweight towel.

A lightweight, quick-drying towel is always your best bet. While the beach may seem like a great place to enjoy the sand and water, it’s not all fun and games. Sand will get everywhere—in your shoes, on your sunscreen, in your hair—so you’ll want to minimize its presence on your body as much as possible by having a towel handy to dry off with after taking a dip in the beach or pool.

One way that you can make drying off easier is by opting for a towel that doesn’t absorb too much moisture from wet skin (or sand). What this means is that if you take a dip in the ocean before heading home for lunch at 2 pm, this kind of towel will still feel damp when you pull it out of its cover after 3 pm (and maybe even beyond). And while there’s nothing wrong with using this type of beach blanket on occasion because it may feel nice against bare skin after being exposed so long under harsh sunlight; ultimately they’re not made specifically for this purpose because they tend not to work as well as regular bath towels do when they’re saturated with water or sand—which means that sometimes things get messy!

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Lip balm with SPF protection.

You can’t go back to the beach without your lip balm. Sunburned lips are no fun, and making sure to protect them from the sun will keep your day at the beach a positive one. Look for one that has SPF protection, as well as some moisturizer for hydration. It’s also important to remember that even though you might not feel like it after a long day in the sun, you should reapply frequently—at least every two hours!

Make sure you apply sunscreen liberally on all exposed skin: face (including ears), neck, arms, and legs so that the damage done by UV rays won’t be devastating later on down the road.

An inflatable floatie for the ocean or pool.

  • Make sure you get one that is the right size for your child.
  • Make sure you get one that is the right size for your child’s weight.
  • Make sure you get one that has a good grip.
  • Make sure it has good flotation.

A beach blanket that dries fast and doesn’t allow sand to stick to it.

  • Towels that dry quickly and don’t get sandy.
  • Blankets that are easy to pack, portable, and easy to carry.
  • Beach blankets that are lightweight.
  • Beach blankets that are easy to clean.

Zip-top bags for storing wet swimsuits and collecting seashells, coral, and rocks you may find on the beach.

You can use zip-top bags for a variety of purposes on your trip to the beach. They’re great for storing wet swimsuits, collecting seashells and coral, and keeping food fresh and safe from the sand. Zip-tops are also useful in that they keep food from getting wet if you’re not eating it right away. The best part about using zip-top bags is that they’re cheap and easy to buy at any grocery store or gas station kiosk.

Beach vacations are best enjoyed if you pack wisely!

Beach vacations are best enjoyed if you pack wisely! Whether it’s for a day, a week, or longer—beach vacations can be enjoyed by anyone, no matter your age or skill level.

The best way to prepare for the beach is with a good packing list. Packing will take up the most time when traveling so be sure to take everything into account when deciding what to bring. Here are some things that you should consider:

  • Pack light. The lighter your bag or suitcase weighs the better because it will not only make carrying easier but also allow more room in which other items may fit inside as well instead of having them sit on top of one another inside said luggage piece (which is less than ideal).
  • Be prepared for the sun and water! Bring sunscreen along with plenty of towels so that everyone stays dry after getting out of their wet swimsuits following an afternoon spent splashing around in waves at low tide hours during high summer months when temperatures reach record highs across much landmass worldwide thanks to climate change affecting regular weather patterns globally due to industrialized activities such as deforestation leading towards increased greenhouse gas emissions produced annually per capita over decades past–whereas back then during times before industrialization there weren’t any cars yet either so people weren’t driving around everywhere like today…


We hope this list helps you plan your beach vacation! Remember that packing wisely is key to a great trip, so don’t forget to bring everything on the list.

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